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KIXI rated as best streaming service for kids!

German online magazine Heimkinocheck tested and compared German kid-centric streaming services Kividoo, Disney+ and Kixi to find out which of the three is the best streaming service for children.

KIXI emerged as the clear winner! The magazine pointed out that KIXI scores with its unique blend of nostalgia content, educationally valuable productions and edutainment. They also positively mentioned the broad range of genres and topics on our platform as well as the careful curation of the content.

You can read the full article (in German) here:

"This test result is a positive surprise for us and a confirmation of our editorial mission statement to provide educationally valuable content to kids and families.", says Sascha Stradtmann, Head of Acquisitions and Programming at Kixi Entertainment, part of Trias Media Group.

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