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Kixi licenses edutainment from CBC

Kixi Entertainment has licensed "Alphabet Stories" from CBC Radio Canada. The 26 x 1'30'' #cartoon#series introduces #children to one letter of the Alphabet per #episode. The series will be shown on Kixi in the original English language version. "This is an unusual project for us, because normally, we neither license short-form content nor content without German voice-track. But when Kasia Karwan introduced the program to me, I immediately recognized its potential to serve as an #English tutoring show for German kids on Kixi. Furthermore, being a public TV channel, CBC delivers shows of an outstanding quality. We are happy to have established this relationship.", explains Sascha Stradtmann, Head of Acquisitions and Programming at Kixi Entertainment. The content will be available on all of Kixi's SVoD platforms. Kixi is part of Trias Media Group.

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