The Musifants is a fun series of animated shorts for preschool children. The show's protagonist is the 200-year-old retired circus elephant, Grandpa Günter, who goes on musical excursions into his song collection of the 20s and 30s together with his grandson Charlie.
The 11x4' series was created by MeikeFehre and Sabine Dully and is distributed by Sara Cooper's Meta Media Entertainment.
"Musifanten introduces children to an era of popular music that is almost forgotten but still brings fun and joy to children. The fun atmosphere encourages preschool children to sing along and dance. And the nonsense lyrics are particularly fun for them.", says Sascha Stradtmann, Director Commercial Operations and Authorized Representative at Kixi Entertainment.
The series is available on all of Kixi Entertainment's platforms, including the owned and operated streaming website and its adjoined apps for iOS and Android devices, Apple's tvOS, Deutsche Telekom's MagentaTV, Roku, SmartTV with NetRange MMH GmbH or VIDAA operating system, Netopsie Technologies GmbH's hospital CCTV and the Amazon Prime Video Channel "Kixi Select". Kixi Entertainment is part of Trias Media Group.