Kixi Entertainment has licensed a package of movies from Bavaria Media GmbH, containing four #movie adaptations of famous children's novels by Erich Kästner.
Born in 1899, Erich Kästner was a popular #journalist and author of #screenplays and novels. After a very successful career in the Weimar Republic, his books were banned and burnt during the 3rd Reich, because he was openly opposed to the Nazi Regime. After WW2, Kästner was able to resume his career as successful writer and publisher until his death in 1974. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature six times.
Kästner ist best known for his famous children's novels "Emil and the Detectives", "The Flying Classroom", "Anna Louise and Anton" and "Lisa and Lottie". Kixi Entertainment has licensed the newer movie adaptations of all four novels that were produced between 1994 and 2003, featuring the first range of German #actors and #actresses and being directed by some of the best German #filmmakers.
"Those timeless stories by Erich Kästner are among the best in educationally valuable children's #entertainment. The movie adaptations licensed by Kixi Entertainment are characterized by ingenuity and a soft update of the more than 70 year old stories, preserving their original spirit whilst giving them a contemporary look and feel.", explains Sascha Stradtmann, Head of Acquisitions and Programming at Kixi Entertainment.
The movies are available on all of Kixi's platforms, including the Amazon Prime Video Channel "Kixi Select" as well as the Kixi Apps on Deutsche Telekom's MagentaTV, Roku Inc. Set-Top-Boxes and NetRange MMH GmbH and VIDAA powered SmartTVs.
Kixi Entertainment ist part of Trias Media Group.